Sleight of mouth

Sleight of Mouth: from Dilts to the present

Sleight of mouth

Sleight of Mouth: from Dilts to the present


Robert Dilts has cre­at­ed the Sleight of Mouth, by mod­el­ing the pow­er of per­sua­sion of Socrates, Jesus of Nazareth, Karl Marx, Abra­ham Lin­coln, Albert Ein­stein, Mahat­ma Gand­hi, Mar­tin Luther King, and oth­ers.


Robert Dilts writes about the Sleight of Mouth as fol­lows:

I became con­vinced that these indi­vid­u­als were using some com­mon, fun­da­men­tal set of pat­terns in order to influ­ence the beliefs of those around them. Fur­ther­more, the pat­terns encod­ed in their words were still influ­enc­ing and shap­ing his­to­ry, even though these indi­vid­u­als had been dead for many years. Sleight of Mouth pat­terns are my attempt to encode some of the key lin­guis­tic mech­a­nisms that these indi­vid­u­als used to effec­tive­ly per­suade oth­ers and to influ­ence social beliefs and belief sys­tems.

In our opin­ion, this point is the rea­son for the relent­less focus on the issue. The pow­er of influ­ence and per­sua­sion has always been val­ued and is val­ued now.


This rea­son explains the inter­est in learn­ing and using the Sleight of Mouth. How­ev­er, it accom­pa­nies with the inter­est in the change, elab­o­ra­tion, and struc­tur­ing of SoM. This issue is the point to enlarge upon, hav­ing depict­ed the his­to­ry of the Sleight of Mouth evo­lu­tion to nowa­days.

To do this, we will refer to the book by R. Dilts him­self and show those places that were not sys­tem­atized suf­fi­cient­ly by him but were elab­o­rat­ed after­wards.

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